Τρίτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

It's Christmas! Time to become a better person!

Hellooo everybody! How are you?
Well I thought I should write a post related to Christmas cause it's the best time of the year in my opinion and because...well...it's Christmas! :D Hope everyone's having a great time with their families, friends and loved ones. But why are Christmas such a great time after all? Hmm... first of all it's the celebration of Jesus' birth for Christians..that's quite a thing by itself but even if your of a different or no religion at all you'll always have a sweet feeling during Christmas!That's because these days are days of pure love, of joy and compasion. We get to see relatives and friends that haven't seen for a long time and we have the chance to exchange gifts that will make kids and grown-ups forget about their problems and smile a little bit!
But we shouldn't just think of our people... Christmas is the perfect time for us to pay some attention to the other 'strangers' too who need our help more than anyone! When Christmas is around the corner try not to think of the presents you'll receive but also of the presents you should give! Think of all the people aound the world that are hungry and cold, wandering around the streets freezing to death instead of lying next to a cozy fire, watching  a Christmas tree and not being afraid if their hearts are strong enough to beat onemore day... Buy some food (pasta,milk etc) and gather all of your clothes that are in good condition but (let's be honest) for some stupid reason you don't want to wear this year...Then contact with any charity foundations and donate this treasure.
You can always of course donate money for the children but in my opinion it would be better not, because u can't be sure that it will be used for the write purpose or if some of the money will be 'lost' in their way to the poor.
Doing something like this will not only help people that really need our help but it will also help us become better. "This year I wanna Be a Better Person" I think that's the New Year's resolution most people make...So why don't we start now? Give your help soon so we can make the world a better place.

Δευτέρα 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Introduce yourself!

Hey there! How is everybody doin'? Since I'm new as a blogger I thought I should tell u some things about myself and about my lovely blog  too... so... let's get startred!
My real name is Gina , I'm 18 since September and I live in a small village in Greece. Actually I used to live in that village with my family but I moved to Athens some months ago since I started my university studies. I study English Language and Literature and (apparently) I'm sooo obssesed with English language and anything English in general! I speak Greek, English, German and Japanese (still have a lot to learn though :P). I love reading books so I'm gonna have many posts related to my favourite books and authors and I also espect u to leave your commnents and opinions! I also love drawing, watching movies and hanging out with my lovely friends ( gonna post some photos of them later on)...
Well I think that's enough for a start! Keep in touch and please give me your ideas so I can make my blog better and more interesting!I could really use some help !

P.S. Here's a picture of my village...looks like Paradise doesn't it?